2 min readApr 10, 2022


Stage 1
MOMOCO-X: Not just the will of gods, time machine takes you there.
MOMOXO Figure: Your figure in Web3, from 2 dimension to 3D.

Stage 2
MOMOCO — Blockchain Games Platform

What do we have?

  • At this stage we have a strong community as a user base for game platform.
  • Professional original painting and game production team.
  • Technical development team that is deeply involved in this field.
  • Communicating with Japanese public companies and leading exchanges of blockchain industry.
  • Video uploaders such as youtubers in the world will be integrated in MOMOCO live system, covering millions of gamers.

What will we do?

  • Build a game platform with blockchain technology, at the same time integrate lots of games (such as MOBA, RPG, tower defense, strategy, etc.), develop and incubate high-quality blockchain games, and build a MOMOCO ecosystem together.
  • Building an economic model of MOMOCO tokens, involved in game producers, the video broadcasters and uploaders and the trade unions, send special gifts to early MOMOCO participants and MOMOCO-X holders.
  • Build a blockchain game live room, lower the threshold for users outside the chain circle to start chain games, promote the recognition of traditional game players for chain games, build a broad user base, and promote the long-term development of this industry.
  • Provide corresponding support to the unions, standardize the union system, and solve the industry chaos.
  • For the ordinary C-side, enhance the playability of the future top-level games of the blockchain and realizing asset control, at the same time generate social function and the sense of substitution in the MOMOCO platform.




🍑Momoco is a collection of the 10,000 NFTs of memories in Sensoji Temple, bringing the blessing of Sensoji in Tokyo. Artist @OmaerAbd Discord: coming soon